December 22, 2008

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New concept of wind turbine FloDesign based on jet engine technology

Company named FloDesign based in Massachusetts has developed very innovative concept of wind turbine based on jet engine technology, its unique design forces air through the blades. In traditional turbines when wind approach it could capture only 59 percent of wind energy as half of the air is forced around the blades.

FloDesign wind turbine is not too big but can generate enough electricity than traditional wind turbine with big diameter blades, so the new design wind turbine can be placed closer to each other as a result more power can be produce per acre of land, and more they are very quite and has long life as very less vibration is created than traditional wind turbine. Traditional wind turbine with 30 feet height and 90 meters long 3 blades and very costly transportation, where as new design is very easy to transport as is can be assembled on site "so cheaper transport cheaper turbine and cheaper electricity".

But this all is in it's early stage as they only tested in wind tunnel, big scale prototype with 12-foot diameter will be completed in 2010 and it will produce 10-kilowatt of electricity and there after large turbine will be make that could produce 1 megawatt of electricity. [FloDesign]

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Tom Usher December 23, 2008 at 6:53 PM  

Being quieter should help a great deal with acceptance. I think noise is the biggest complaint I've heard against wind-energy generation.

Thanks for posting this and for broadcasting it on BlogCatalog too.

Tom Usher
Real Liberal Christian Church and
The Christian Commons Project

Anonymous January 30, 2009 at 3:29 AM  

Good effort to make people aware bat the new green technology......

Brooklyn dryer vent cleaning March 26, 2010 at 6:27 AM  

This technology is very helpful and being tried in many places.Your blogs is a very useful informative and worth a stop blog.

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