Fire-proof coating that could give protecton against intense heat
There are many fire proof coating available in the market for building materials and structures but they are no good against intense heat they break down at between 150-250°C, but this is going to change as researchers at CSIRO Australia have come up with a new coating material called HIPS (‘hybrid inorganic polymer system’) it can withstand temperatures of over 1000°C.
HIPS coatings contain an inorganic geopolymer resin, and a small component of polymer additives, it can be applied as easily as paint, it has the potential to form thin fireproof coatings on timbers such as weatherboards, and on metals such as structural or galvanized steel. It can also protect brickwork, either as a thin coating or as a render. HIPS can be applied by spray equipment, roller or brush, and cures from ambient temperature to below 90°C, it can be cheaply made from industrial by-products.
Source. CSIRO
HIPS coatings contain an inorganic geopolymer resin, and a small component of polymer additives, it can be applied as easily as paint, it has the potential to form thin fireproof coatings on timbers such as weatherboards, and on metals such as structural or galvanized steel. It can also protect brickwork, either as a thin coating or as a render. HIPS can be applied by spray equipment, roller or brush, and cures from ambient temperature to below 90°C, it can be cheaply made from industrial by-products.
Source. CSIRO
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