July 17, 2013

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Artificial Silk lighter than steel & tougher than Kevlar "SPIBER"

Spiber silk is bean developed by Japanese company called Spiber inc. according to them this remarkable material is so light, yet so strong and flexible. It can absorb so much energy, they have developed this super strong material by studying the makeup of protein fibers in spider silk which owes its amazing properties to a protein named fibroin. Proteins are the catalyst for most chemical reactions inside a cell and help bind cells together into tissues.

Applications for Spiber silk abound from artificial blood vessels to strengthened space suits and crash-resistant materials for cars. Spiber aims to produce one metric ton, or 2,205 pounds, of spider silk in 2015. By November, it aims to triple its current monthly output to about 220 pounds.

Via : WSJ, Spiber


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