"Invisibility Wetsuits" for protection against shark attack while you swim.
Scientists from the University of Western Australia (UWA), with the help of designers Shark Attack Mitigation Systems (SAMS) has developed this wetsuits. It toked 2 years of research and development.
In tradition black wetsuits swimmer looks like a seal animal which food for shark and recent discovery that sharks are colour blind they came up with this idea of camouflage wetsuits.
According to UWA professor Shaun Collin told to Guardian that “Many animals in biology are repelled by noxious animals – prey that provide a signal that somehow says ‘Don't eat me’ and that has been manifest in a striped pattern. We are using a lot of nature's technology, based on high-contrast-based banding patterns. The wearer will be obvious, and the idea is the shark will see that as an unpalatable food item and swim right by.”
This Suites are available preorder on Radiator with a price tag of $495.
In tradition black wetsuits swimmer looks like a seal animal which food for shark and recent discovery that sharks are colour blind they came up with this idea of camouflage wetsuits.
According to UWA professor Shaun Collin told to Guardian that “Many animals in biology are repelled by noxious animals – prey that provide a signal that somehow says ‘Don't eat me’ and that has been manifest in a striped pattern. We are using a lot of nature's technology, based on high-contrast-based banding patterns. The wearer will be obvious, and the idea is the shark will see that as an unpalatable food item and swim right by.”
This Suites are available preorder on Radiator with a price tag of $495.
Would like to have one of those suits one day :-D.
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