January 4, 2009

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Robots that can climb the poll

Now a days robots are helping in many areas like military, police, home,etc. and now they are going to help in difficult area like construction. Company at Virginia Tech Robotics and Mechanisms laboratory (ROMELA) have recently designed a robot that can climb the straight poll, it coils around the poll and roll upward using an oscillating joint motion, it also has sensors and camera for gathering data.

This robot is basically designed for helping construction area so human can work at safer side, it uses compressed air muscle for climbing it is also called CIRCA (Climbing Inspection Robot with Compressed Air), initially this robot is attached with laptop with cable for its work but in future design it will have microprocessor and power source for its independent operation.

Director of company ROMELA at Virginia Tech Mr. Dennis Hong said “The use of compressed air makes this approach feasible by enabling it to be light weight, providing compliant actuation force for generating the gripping force for traction, and allowing it to use a simple discrete control scheme to activate the muscles in a predetermined sequence.”


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Casey January 5, 2009 at 5:48 PM  

It's a pole, not a poll.

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