July 12, 2013

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Transforms any plain surface into low-cost touch screens through vibration invented by NTU

Nanyang Technological University (NTU) of Singapore has developed the technology that can turn almost any flat surface including wood, glass, aluminum etc into a low-cost multi touch screen. This technology toked almost 4 years of research.

NTU Assistant Professor Andy Khong, who led the research, says "this award-winning system has been proven on different types of large surfaces." This technology is named STATINA (Speech Touch and Acoustic Tangible Interfaces for Next-generation Applications)

This system could be retrofitted on existing flat-panel TVs which will transform it into low cost touch sensitive screen which could provide best gaming experience.

Acording to Prof Khong " This system is able to transform any flat surface like wood, aluminum, glass, plastics and steel into touch screens" but as this technology is based on vibration sensors will not work on cement wall. he also says that "there team is also working in making this system more compact though camera based solution.

Via : NTU

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